A class of 33 students elected a class treasurer.

There were 11 votes for Candidate A and 15 votes for Candidate B.
The remaining students did not vote.

Which expression gives the percent of voters who voted for Candidate A?

l'm a teacher
l'm going to do a shout out to the person who got these!!!



All these "idk" comments don't help much, do they?

11 of 33 students voted for A
That is 11/33 = 1/3 = 0.333 = 33 1/3 %

To find the percent of voters who voted for Candidate A, you need to divide the number of votes for Candidate A by the total number of votes cast.

In this scenario, there were a total of 11 + 15 = 26 votes cast (11 votes for Candidate A and 15 votes for Candidate B).

To find the percent of votes for Candidate A, divide the number of votes for Candidate A (11) by the total number of votes (26) and then multiply by 100 to get the percentage:

(11/26) * 100 = 42.31%

Therefore, the expression that gives the percent of voters who voted for Candidate A is (11/26) * 100, which equals 42.31%.