Each sales associate at an electronics store has a choice of the two salary options shown below:

$115 per week plus 9.5% commission on the associate’s total sales
$450 per week with no commission

The average of the total sales amount for each associate last year was $125,000. Based on this average, what is the difference between the two salary options each year? (1 year = 52 weeks)

(a) $4,262.11
(b) $5,545.00
(c) $10,956.90
(d) $11,525.00

52*115 + 0.095*125000 = ____

52*450 = ____
so subtract to find the difference

Its B

To calculate the first option, we need to find 9.5% of the average sales amount.

9.5% of $125,000 = 0.095 * $125,000 = $11,875

Now, let's calculate the total salary for the first option:

Total salary = Base salary + Commission
= $115 per week + $11,875 per year

Since there are 52 weeks in a year, the total salary for the first option is:

Total salary = $115 * 52 + $11,875 = $5,980 + $11,875 = $17,855

Now, let's calculate the total salary for the second option:

Total salary = $450 per week * 52 weeks = $23,400

Finally, let's find the difference between the two salary options:

Difference = Total salary for the first option - Total salary for the second option
= $17,855 - $23,400

Calculating the difference, we get:

Difference = -$5,545

Therefore, the answer is (b) $5,545.00

To find the difference between the two salary options each year, we need to calculate the annual salary for each option and then find the difference between them.

Option 1: $115 per week plus 9.5% commission on total sales
Annual salary = ($115 per week * 52 weeks) + (9.5% commission * $125,000)

To calculate the commission, we multiply the total sales amount ($125,000) by the commission rate (9.5%) and convert it to a decimal by dividing by 100:
Commission = ($125,000 * 9.5%) / 100

Now we can substitute the values into the equation for Option 1:
Annual salary = ($115 * 52) + [($125,000 * 9.5%) / 100]

Option 2: $450 per week with no commission
Annual salary = $450 * 52

Now let's calculate the values:

Option 1:
Annual salary = ($115 * 52) + [($125,000 * 9.5%) / 100]
Annual salary = $5,980 + $11,875
Annual salary = $17,855

Option 2:
Annual salary = $450 * 52
Annual salary = $23,400

To find the difference between the two options, we subtract the annual salary of Option 2 from the annual salary of Option 1:
Difference = Option 1 annual salary - Option 2 annual salary
Difference = $17,855 - $23,400
Difference = -$5,545

The difference between the two salary options each year is -$5,545.00. However, the given answer choices are all positive values. Therefore, it is likely there was a mistake in the calculation or the answer choices provided. Please recheck the options or recalculate the difference.