What are the key features and functions of the individual branches of government in a democratic system?

In a democratic system, the government is divided into three separate branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Each branch has its own distinct features and functions. Here's an explanation of the key features and functions of each branch:

1. Executive Branch: The executive branch is responsible for enforcing and administering the laws of the country. Its key features and functions include:
- Headed by the president or a similar executive authority.
- Executes and enforces laws.
- Implements policies and makes decisions, often with the help of executive departments and agencies.
- Represents the country in diplomatic matters.

To find out more about the specific features and functions of the executive branch of your country's democratic system, you can refer to the Constitution or relevant legal documents of your country.

2. Legislative Branch: The legislative branch is responsible for creating and passing laws. Its key features and functions include:
- Headed by the parliament, congress, or a similar legislative body.
- Creates, debates, and amends laws.
- Represents the interests of the people.
- Holds the power of the purse, meaning the authority to control public spending.
- Conducts oversight of the executive branch.

To understand the specific features and functions of the legislative branch in your country, you can study the relevant laws and regulations, consult official government resources, or refer to the Constitution.

3. Judicial Branch: The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting and applying laws. Its key features and functions include:
- Headed by an independent judiciary, often led by a supreme court.
- Interprets laws, including the Constitution.
- Adjudicates legal disputes and ensures justice.
- Protects individual rights and liberties.
- Acts as a check on the other branches by ensuring legality and constitutionality.

To gain a deeper understanding of the specific features and functions of the judicial branch in your country, you can study the legal system, consult legal resources, or refer to relevant court decisions.

It is important to note that the specific features and functions of each branch may vary from one democratic system to another as they are shaped by the country's Constitution, laws, and political culture.