What is the longitude of Cairo whose time is 10:00am when the time of accra is 8:00am the same day

what is the longititude of carlowhose time is 10:00am when the timeof accra on longititude 0 degree is 8:00am on the same day

To find the longitude of Cairo, we can use the time difference between Cairo and Accra and the rotation of the Earth.

Given that Cairo is 2 hours ahead of Accra, and that both cities have the same time at 10:00 am and 8:00 am respectively, we can infer that Cairo is located approximately 30 degrees of longitude east of Accra.

Here's the step-by-step calculation:

Step 1: Calculate the time difference
10:00 am - 8:00 am = 2 hours

Step 2: Convert the time difference to degrees of longitude
Since the Earth rotates 360 degrees around its axis in 24 hours, we can calculate the hourly rotation as:
360 degrees / 24 hours = 15 degrees/hour

Therefore, for a 2-hour difference:
2 hours x 15 degrees/hour = 30 degrees

Hence, Cairo is located approximately 30 degrees east of Accra.

To determine the longitude of Cairo based on the given time difference between Cairo and Accra, we can use the concept of time zones and the Earth's rotation.

The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, with each zone roughly covering 15 degrees of longitude. The Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude) is used as a reference point for the time zones.

Given that Cairo is 2 hours ahead of Accra, we can conclude that Cairo is located to the east of Accra within the same time zone. Since each time zone covers 15 degrees of longitude, we can calculate the longitude of Cairo as follows:

2 hours * 15 degrees per hour = 30 degrees

Therefore, Cairo is approximately 30 degrees east of the Prime Meridian.