A drum set originally costs $500, but it is on sale for 20% off. If a customer buying the drum set has a $70 gift card, what will her final price be on the drum set?

The correct answer is:

Amount Saved with 20% Off: $500 × .20 = $100
Total Price After Sale: $500 - $100 = $400
Total Price After Sale and Gift Card: $400 - $70 = $330


To find the final price of the drum set, we need to calculate the percentage discount and subtract it from the original price. Here's how:

1. Calculate the discount amount:
- Original price: $500
- Discount rate: 20%
- Discount amount: $500 x 20% = $100

2. Subtract the discount amount from the original price to find the sale price:
- Sale price: $500 - $100 = $400

3. Now, we need to consider the gift card. Subtract the value of the gift card from the sale price:
- Sale price after gift card: $400 - $70 = $330

Therefore, the final price for the drum set after applying the 20% discount and the $70 gift card will be $330.

The final price is 0.80 * 500 = $400

The customer will not pay that amount, however ...