This is overdue and I need some help here

1: What was the primary purpose of the Silk Road?

to spread Christianity throughout the region

to spread democracy throughout the region

to engage in trade with other nations

to spread customs throughout the area

2: What did Catherine the Great do to expand Russia?

She sent explorers to establish settlements across Siberia.

She founded a new capital, St. Petersburg.

She was the first ruler to attempt to westernize Russia.

She conquered the Black Sea coast and parts of Poland.

3: Which of the following is a reason why Russia lost power in the early 1900s?

Its army was too large.

Unrest among the poor grew.

Russia had a weak king.

Russia failed to westernize.


1 and 3 are correct. 2 is d. she conquered the black sea coast and parts of Poland

1. C, to engage in trade with other nations

2. C, She was the first ruler to attempt to westernize Russia.
3. B, Unrest among the poor grew.

I'm not entirely sure about 2. But, just use your sources to check my answers. Please forgive me if I got any of these wrong, I never learned about Catherine the Great in History Class.

The answers are…

1. C, To engage in trade with other nations.
2. D, She conquered the Black Sea and parts of Poland.
3. B, Unrest among the poor grew.

hope this helped!

To answer the questions:

1: The primary purpose of the Silk Road was to engage in trade with other nations.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, B, and D because the Silk Road was not primarily focused on spreading Christianity, democracy, or customs. Option C remains as the correct response.

2: Catherine the Great did several things to expand Russia, but the most significant action was that she conquered the Black Sea coast and parts of Poland.

To find this answer, we should analyze each option:

- Option A states that she sent explorers to establish settlements across Siberia. While this is true, it does not capture the most substantial expansion of Russian territory that Catherine the Great achieved.
- Option B mentions that she founded a new capital, St. Petersburg. While true, it does not address the expansion of Russia's borders.
- Option C is correct in stating that Catherine the Great was the first ruler to attempt to westernize Russia. However, it does not fully capture her most significant territorial expansion.
- Option D accurately describes Catherine the Great's conquest of the Black Sea coast and parts of Poland, making it the correct answer.

3: One of the reasons why Russia lost power in the early 1900s was that unrest among the poor grew.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze each option:

- Option A claims that Russia lost power because its army was too large. While having an excessively large army could pose challenges, it is not the primary reason for Russia's power decline in the early 1900s.
- Option B correctly identifies unrest among the poor as one of the reasons for Russia's power decline. This includes growing dissatisfaction with social and economic conditions, leading to social unrest.
- Option C points to a weak king as the reason for Russia's power decline. However, the primary ruler during this period was Tsar Nicholas II, who was criticized for his leadership but is primarily associated with being ineffective rather than weak.
- Option D suggests that Russia failed to westernize as the reason for its power decline. While Russia's failure to fully transition to a Western-style government and economy did impact its power, it is not the most significant reason during the early 1900s.

Therefore, option B, unrest among the poor, is the correct answer.