A visual representation demonstrating the concept of plant and animal adaptation, without any text. On one side of the scene, a cluster of distinctive plants with bright, vivid leaves, signaling potential toxicity. On the other side, a collection of different animals such as a herbivorous mammal, a bird, and an insect, all observing the plants from a safe distance, showcasing a mixture of curiosity and cautiousness.

Some plants have leaves that are poisonous to some animals. Which kind of adoption is this?

Someone please help.

Diana Prince is correctish here are the correct answers.

1. Defense
2. Phototropism
3. The amount of light the plants receive
4. Does the amount of nitrogen affect the number of flowers on a plant?

these are 100% correct trust me because I've been giving answers out forever and they've always been right. :) Have a nice day yall

@Plz help meh

here you go man/girl/classmate
1.Some plants have leaves that are poisonous to some animals. Which kind of adaptation is this?
Answer: defense

2.A plant is placed near a window. Instead of growing straight up, the plant grows toward the window. What is this plant demonstrating?
Answer: phototropism

3.How do tropisms help plants survive?
Answer: Plants grow toward things they need.

4.Students are conducting an experiment to determine if the amount of sunlight affects the size of clover leaves. They plant clover in two identical pots, placing one next to a window and one inside a cupboard. They water each pot daily with 10 mL of water. Which is the independent variable?
Answer: the amount of light the plants receive

5.A scientist has two identical plants placed by a window. One is in a red pot, and the other is in a yellow pot. She waters the one in the red pot with regular water and the one in the yellow pot with nitrogen-enriched water. After 5 days, she counts the number of flowers on each plant. What was her scientific question?
Answer: Does the amount of nitrogen affect the number of flowers on a plant?

6.The stem of a plant is experiencing phototropism. Which statement correctly describes the plant’s response?
Answer: The stem moves toward the light for better photosynthesis.

hope this helps good luck

You're Girl is correct thank you so much!

Its A. Defense your welcome :)

I need answers to the whole quick check

You’re girl is right thank u so much

You're girl ily SM

idk what are the possible answers?

You're Girl is still right

1. Defense

2. Phototropism
3. The amount of light the plants receive
4. Does the amount of nitrogen affect the number of flowers on a plant?

Here you guys go! Hopefully this helps.

BRUH!!!! I NEED THE answerssss.

You're girl is correct

I think If your reading this u should know. just had a stroke


It was only 3 for me theres 6 plz what are all of them...

yo these the right answer 1. Defense

2. Phototropism
3. The amount of light the plants receive
4. Does the amount of nitrogen affect the number of flowers on a plant? there you go gang here you go.

"Your Girl" is right. Thanks :}✌️

You’re girl is life “SAVA” thanks

Thanks @Purity25!!! that guy is correct!!! %100000000 correct!!


Thanks @YourGirl. You got me an 100% on my test.

aNnYeOnGhAsEyO jEoNeUn BaAgTaN sOnYeOnDaN hWaNgGeUm MaKnAe JeOn JuNgKoOk ImNiDa

thx @You're girl

You're girl tysm i needed that for my grade!!

my girl come here

a b c d

Your Girl is right 100% trust her she is awesome!! tysm!!

I need help



just look up the next question




100% promise