Three times two less than a number is greater than or equal to five times the number. Find all of the numbers that satisfy the given conditions.

Let n = a number. Choose the inequality that represents the given relationship.

3 * 2 - n >= 5n

6 - n >= 5n

add n to both sides.

3(n – 2) >5n is the correct answer

The inequality that represents the given relationship is: 3(n-2) ≥ 5n.

Now, let's solve the inequality step by step to find the values of n that satisfy the given conditions.

Step 1: Distribute the 3 on the left side of the inequality:
3n - 6 ≥ 5n

Step 2: Subtract 3n from both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable on one side:
-6 ≥ 5n - 3n

Simplifying the right side:
-6 ≥ 2n

Step 3: Divide both sides of the inequality by 2 to solve for n:
-6/2 ≥ 2n/2

-3 ≥ n

Therefore, all values of n that satisfy the given conditions are n ≤ -3 or in interval notation (-∞, -3].

To represent the given relationship, you can write the inequality as:

3n - 2 ≥ 5n

Now, let's solve the inequality to find the values of n that satisfy the given conditions.

First, let's simplify the equation:

3n - 2 ≥ 5n

Combine like terms by subtracting 3n from both sides:

-2 ≥ 2n

Divide both sides by 2:

-1 ≥ n

So, the inequality representing the given relationship is n ≤ -1.

Therefore, all the numbers that satisfy the conditions are any number less than or equal to -1.