As a result of the Holocaust during World War II, the United Nations designated a Jewish homeland that became what country?


As a result of the Holocaust during World War II, the United Nations designated a Jewish homeland that became the country of Israel.

As a result of the Holocaust during World War II, the United Nations designated a Jewish homeland that became the country of Israel. To arrive at this answer, there are a few key historical events and decisions that led to the establishment of Israel:

1. The Holocaust: The Holocaust was the systematic genocide of six million Jews by Nazi Germany during World War II. This horrific event, in which millions of Jews were persecuted and killed, created a widespread global awareness of the need to provide a safe place for Jewish survivors.

2. The Balfour Declaration: In 1917, during World War I, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, which expressed support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. This declaration sparked hopes of creating a Jewish homeland.

3. Partition Plan: After World War II, the British Mandate over Palestine was coming to an end, and the United Nations proposed a Partition Plan in 1947. The plan aimed to divide Palestine into two separate states: one Jewish and one Arab. Jerusalem was initially planned to be an internationally administered territory. The Jewish Agency accepted the plan, but the Arab states rejected it.

4. Israeli War of Independence: Following the rejection of the Partition Plan, several Arab countries waged war against the newly declared state of Israel in 1948. Despite being outnumbered and facing significant challenges, Israel managed to defend itself and even expand its territory.

5. Recognition and Establishment: On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence, and various countries began to recognize it as a sovereign nation. The United Nations General Assembly also voted to accept Israel as a member state on May 11, 1949.

In summary, the United Nations designated a Jewish homeland, and after a series of events, the country of Israel emerged as a result of the Holocaust and the desire to establish a safe homeland for Jewish people.