If anyone in Connections academy has done this lesson Lesson 6: Classifying Polygons CE 2015

Essential Math 7 B Unit 1: Geometry
Can you please give me some tips. It's a discussion type thing but I really need help!

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I haven't did this but i need help on science. I also do Connexus

Of course! I can provide you with some general tips to help you with Lesson 6: Classifying Polygons in your Essential Math 7 B course on Geometry. While I cannot directly access specific lessons or discussions on Connections Academy, I can give you some guidance on how to approach this topic.

1. Review the lesson materials: Start by reviewing the lesson material provided by your teacher. Read through any explanations, examples, and definitions related to classifying polygons. Understanding the definitions and properties of different types of polygons is crucial for classifying them correctly.

2. Take notes: As you review the lesson, take notes on important definitions, properties, and any examples that illustrate different types of polygons. These notes will serve as a helpful reference when participating in discussions or completing assignments.

3. Participate actively in discussions: Engage in discussions with your peers and teacher on the topic of classifying polygons. Ask questions if you are unsure about any aspect and provide explanations or examples to support your own understanding.

4. Explore visual aids: Geometry often involves visual concepts. Use visual aids such as diagrams, shapes, or online interactive tools to help you visualize and analyze the different types of polygons. This can aid your understanding and make discussions more effective.

5. Practice with examples: To reinforce your learning, work on practice problems or examples related to classifying polygons. Start with simpler polygons and gradually progress to more complex ones. This will help you identify the key characteristics that distinguish different types of polygons.

6. Seek additional resources: If you find that you need more help or examples, consider utilizing additional resources like textbooks, online tutorials, or videos on the topic of classifying polygons. These resources can provide additional explanations and examples to strengthen your understanding.

Remember, the key to success in any discussion-based activity is active participation and thorough understanding of the lesson content. Good luck with your lesson on classifying polygons!