Which situation can be represented by the equation y equals 74x

I buy x shirts at $74 per shirt


The equation y = 74x represents a situation where the value of y is directly proportional to the value of x. In other words, as x increases, y also increases in a linear fashion.

To understand how this equation represents a situation, it's important to recognize the variables involved. In this case, "y" represents the dependent variable, and "x" represents the independent variable. The equation indicates that for any given value of x, the corresponding value of y can be found by multiplying x by 74.

For example, if x = 2, then y = 74(2) = 148. If x = 5, then y = 74(5) = 370. The equation tells us that for every increase of 1 in x, y will increase by 74 units.

It's worth noting that the specific situation or context in which this equation is applicable depends on the problem or scenario you are considering. Without additional information, it is difficult to determine the real-world interpretation of the equation.