area of a rectangle with sides of lengths 1/3 yard and 3/4 yard

Yo moma got that dumpy

Area = length * width

If it is a rectangle, it would not have two different lengths.

PsyDAG gave you the correct answer.

Surely you can multiply 1/3 by 3/4.

To find the area of a rectangle, you need to multiply the lengths of its sides. In this case, the sides measure 1/3 yard and 3/4 yard.

To multiply fractions, you multiply the numerators (the numbers on the top) and then multiply the denominators (the numbers on the bottom). The resulting fraction will be your answer.

Let's calculate the area step by step:

1/3 yard * 3/4 yard = (1 * 3) / (3 * 4)

Multiplying the numerators gives us 3, while multiplying the denominators gives us 12.

So, the area of the rectangle is 3/12 square yards.

Now, to simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the GCD of 3 and 12 is 3.

Dividing the numerator and denominator by 3, we get:

3/12 ÷ 3/3 = 1/4 square yards.

Therefore, the area of the rectangle is 1/4 square yard.

that not answer

1/3 * 3/4 = ?