Describe key aspects of the climate catastrophe previously happening on Venus in (at least) ten 10 middle-long meaningful sentences (per inquiry). Use your own words. Adopt quantitative reasoning (i.e., usage of numbers), if appropriate based on the subject sentences and add evidence (which isn't part of the ten sentences).

Please provide a source.

To understand the climate catastrophe on Venus, we need to examine key aspects of its extreme conditions. Here are ten middle-long meaningful sentences explaining this phenomenon.

1. Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect due to its thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide (CO2), which traps heat from the sun and contributes to its scorching surface temperatures of up to 900°F (475°C), hotter than Mercury, the closest planet to the sun.

2. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is about 92 times greater than Earth's, creating a dense and inhospitable environment. This high pressure, coupled with the greenhouse effect, creates a severe magnification of the heat-trapping capabilities.

3. Venus also experiences an intense global wind pattern called the super-rotation, where hurricane-like winds blow around the planet at speeds of up to 225 miles per hour (360 kilometers per hour) in the upper atmosphere. This super-rotation helps distribute the heat evenly throughout the planet.

4. Due to its proximity to the sun, Venus receives about twice as much solar radiation as Earth. This excessive radiation contributes to the climate catastrophe by intensifying the greenhouse effect and raising temperatures further.

5. Venus has undergone a process of extreme volcanic activity in the past. Volcanoes on the planet released enormous amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, exacerbating the greenhouse effect and causing the planet's temperatures to soar.

6. The lack of surface water on Venus is another crucial factor in its climate catastrophe. Without a water cycle to regulate temperatures and absorb CO2, the greenhouse effect is left unchecked.

7. Venus has a slow rotation, completing one rotation in about 243 Earth days, resulting in incredibly long and scorching days. The extended exposure to sunlight exacerbates the greenhouse effect, making the planet uninhabitable.

8. Venus does not have a protective magnetic field like Earth, which further contributes to its inhospitable conditions. The lack of a magnetic field allows the sun's radiation to hit the planet directly, increasing its overall heat.

9. The upper atmosphere of Venus experiences significant temperature variations, with the layer known as the mesosphere having particularly extreme cooling of about -130°F (-90°C). This sharp temperature change creates turbulent atmospheric interactions, influencing the planet's climate further.

10. Studying the climate catastrophe on Venus provides valuable insights into the impacts of a runaway greenhouse effect, offering cautionary lessons for Earth's climate future.

Evidence: These explanations are based on scientific research and studies conducted by NASA and other space agencies. One source providing comprehensive information on Venus and its climate is the NASA website ( This source includes data, images, and in-depth explanations regarding Venus's extreme conditions and climate catastrophe.