An illustrative and appealing image about wave transmission in materials. The image should have four different sections, prominently divided. In the first section, illustrate waves bouncing off the surface of a material, representing reflection. In the second section, show waves passing through the material, symbolizing transmission. The third section should depict waves bending and changing direction slightly as they hit the material, denoting refraction. The fourth and last section should portray waves stopping and transferring energy when they hit the material, embodying absorption.

What does it mean that a material transmits waves?(1 point)

Waves will bounce off the surface of the material.

Waves will pass through the material.

Waves will bend and change their direction slightly when they hit the material.

Waves will stop and transfer energy when they hit the material.

1.) Waves will pass through the material.

2.) Matter is needed to transmit sound waves.
3.) Seismic waves carry energy through Earth and shake Earth below the seismograph.
4.)They can travel through matter, but not in a vacuum.

1.) Waves will pass through the material.

2.) Matter is needed to transmit sound waves.

3.) Seismic waves carry energy through Earth and shake Earth below the seismograph.

4.)They can travel through matter, but not in a vacuum.

It is correct I just go a 100%

Depression is correct!

depression is for real 100%

Hold on im about to answer...

Is it just me or does anybody else have 5 questions?

4- which is the most likely recently developed communications technology?
5-which is an example of communications technology? Select the two correct answers.
Texting a friend to find out plans for the evening
Taking a long watch on the beach
Running outside with friends
Building a block tower
Using the internet to find out when the store opens
Can anybody help me please?

For anyone who has 5 questions its

1.) Waves will pass through the material.

2.) Matter is needed to transmit sound waves.

3.) Seismic waves carry energy through Earth and shake Earth below the seismograph.

4.) Videoconferencing

5.) Texting a friend to find out plans for the evening, Using the internet to find out when the store opens

Make sure you put both 2 answers for number 5

Trust me I got 100%

Heart job everyone and thanks DeprEsSiOn 💯%.

Thank you so much .cat.