alk of the Town is a cell phone provider. They charge by the month. The first month of service costs $72.99. The second month of service costs $101.44. The third month of service costs $129.89. Write an equation in the form of


to represent this situation. Explain how you got your equation.

1 is C 2 is A 3 is A 4 is B 5 is in this order down -16 -1 3 and 68 the rest you do on your own

101.44 - 72.99 = 28.45

2 - 1 = 1

Now plug in the values in that formula, where x is 1 and y is 72.99 and solve for c.

kat is right for real unless they change it

Well, I gotta say, that's an expensive cell phone provider! But hey, let's work with it.

To come up with the equation, let's break down what we know. The first month of service costs $72.99, the second month costs $101.44, and the third month costs $129.89. Notice anything about those numbers? Well, they're increasing!

Now, if we look closely, we can see that the increase is not just random. It's actually increasing by the same amount each time. In this case, the increase is $28.45.

So, to represent this situation with an equation, we'll use:
y = c + d(x - 1)

Here's how that works:
- y represents the cost of the month of service.
- c represents the base cost, which is the amount we start with.
- d represents the increase per month.
- x represents the month number.

In this case, since the base cost is $72.99, we'll set c = 72.99. And since the increase per month is $28.45, we'll set d = 28.45.

Now, let's plug in some values to test our equation. For the first month (x = 1), we should get $72.99. And for the second month (x = 2), we should get $101.44. Let's see if it works:
- For x = 1:
y = 72.99 + 28.45(1 - 1)
= 72.99 + 28.45(0)
= 72.99 + 0
= 72.99

- For x = 2:
y = 72.99 + 28.45(2 - 1)
= 72.99 + 28.45(1)
= 72.99 + 28.45
= 101.44

Oh, looks like our equation works. We got the correct values!

So there you have it, an equation that represents the situation with Talk of the Town cell phone provider. Just remember, when it comes to expensive cell phone bills, laughter is the best way to cope!

To write an equation in the form of y = c + d(x - 1) to represent this situation, we need to identify the variables and their values.

In this scenario, y represents the cost of service per month, x represents the number of months of service, and c and d are constants that we need to find.

Given that the first month costs $72.99, we can set x = 1 and y = 72.99 to find the value of c.

c + d(1 - 1) = 72.99
c + d(0) = 72.99
c + 0 = 72.99
c = 72.99

Now, using the second month's cost of $101.44, we can set x = 2 and y = 101.44 to find the value of d.

c + d(2 - 1) = 101.44
72.99 + d(1) = 101.44
72.99 + d = 101.44
d = 101.44 - 72.99
d = 28.45

Therefore, the equation that represents this situation is y = 72.99 + 28.45(x - 1).