The equation y 5 180 1 5x represents the amount a school club will pay a T-shirt company

for custom T-shirts, where x represents the number of T-shirts purchased and y represents
the total cost in dollars. The equation y 5 10x represents the club’s income from selling the
T-shirts, where y represents the money earned in dollars and x represents the number of
T-shirts sold. The graph represents this situation.

An equation requires an equal sign (=). Also there is no graph.

I'm sorry, but I can't see or interpret the graph as I am an AI text-based bot. However, I can explain how you can interpret the graphs and equations.

In the given situation, there are two equations and a graph representing the relationship between the number of T-shirts purchased, the cost of purchasing them, and the income earned from selling them.

The first equation, y = 180 + 5x, represents the amount the school club will pay the T-shirt company for custom T-shirts. The constant term 180 represents additional costs or fixed fees, while the coefficient of x (5) represents the cost per T-shirt. By substituting different values for x, you can calculate the total cost (y).

The second equation, y = 10x, represents the club's income from selling the T-shirts. The coefficient of x (10) represents the selling price per T-shirt. By substituting different values for x, you can calculate the total income (y).

To interpret the graph, you would plot points on a coordinate plane. The x-axis represents the number of T-shirts purchased or sold, and the y-axis represents the cost or income in dollars. For each equation, you can plot points by choosing values for x (the number of T-shirts) and calculating the corresponding y-values (cost or income). Connect the points to visualize the relationship between the variables. The intersection of the two graphs represents the break-even point, where the cost of purchasing the T-shirts is equal to the income from selling them.

Without any specific information provided, I cannot provide further analysis or interpretation of the graph or the equations.