The third and sixth term of a G.P are 48&14 2/9.find the fifth term.write down the first four term of the G.P

To find the common ratio (r) in a geometric progression (G.P), we can use the formula:

r = (6th term) / (3rd term)

In this case, the 6th term is 14 2/9 and the 3rd term is 48.

r = (14 2/9) / (48)

Step 1: Convert the mixed fraction (14 2/9) to an improper fraction.

14 2/9 = (9 * 14) + 2 / 9 = 126/9 + 2/9 = 128/9

Now we can plug in the values to find r:

r = (128/9) / (48)

Step 2: Simplify the expression by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

r = (128/9) * (1/48)

r = 128 / (9 * 48)

r = 4/27

Now that we have the common ratio (r = 4/27), we can find the fifth term of the G.P.

The formula to find the nth term of a G.P is:

nth term = a * (r ^ n-1)

In this case, n = 5, and we need to find the 5th term.

If the 3rd term is 48, we can write the equation as:

48 * (4/27)^(5-1)

48 * (4/27)^4

48 * (256/729)

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators:

48 * 256 / 27^4 * 729

The first four terms of the G.P will be:

1st term: 48
2nd term: 48 * (4/27)^1
3rd term: 48 * (4/27)^2
4th term: 48 * (4/27)^3

Simplifying the expression in the fifth term, we get:

48 * 256 / (27 * 27 * 27 * 27) = 12288 / 531441

Therefore, the fifth term of the G.P is 12288/531441.