What career can i choose with the subjects:


Whatever you want. However, you might want to consult your school counselor, who can give you tests to match your interests and abilities to various occupations.

Based on the subjects EGD, CAT, Maths Lit, and Business Studies, there are various career options you can consider. Here's a breakdown of each subject and the related career paths:

1. Engineering Graphics and Design (EGD): EGD is a subject that focuses on technical drawing, graphical communication, and design principles. It provides a solid foundation for careers in the engineering and design fields, such as:

- Architect: Architects design and plan building structures, considering aesthetics, functionality, and safety.
- Civil Engineer: Civil engineers are involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and buildings.
- Mechanical Engineer: Mechanical engineers design and develop machinery, equipment, and mechanical systems.
- Industrial Designer: Industrial designers create and improve products, considering their functionality, usability, and aesthetics.

2. Computer Applications Technology (CAT): CAT teaches skills related to computer literacy, software applications, programming concepts, and problem-solving. Some career options related to CAT include:

- Software Developer/Programmer: Software developers/programmers create, test, and maintain software applications using programming languages.
- IT Specialist: IT specialists provide technical support, manage IT systems, and troubleshoot hardware and software issues.
- Database Administrator: Database administrators manage and maintain databases, ensuring their integrity, security, and availability.
- Web Developer: Web developers create and maintain websites, focusing on design, functionality, and user experience.

3. Mathematics Literacy (Maths Lit): Maths Lit focuses on practical applications of mathematics in various real-life contexts, emphasizing financial literacy and statistical reasoning. Some career paths that utilize Maths Lit include:

- Financial Analyst: Financial analysts assess financial data, make informed recommendations, and provide guidance for investment decisions.
- Financial Planner: Financial planners assist individuals and businesses in managing their finances, investments, and retirement planning.
- Statistician: Statisticians analyze and interpret data to make predictions, draw conclusions, and support decision-making in various fields.
- Market Research Analyst: Market research analysts collect and interpret data to identify market trends, consumer behavior, and assist in making marketing decisions.

4. Business Studies: Business Studies covers various aspects of the business world, including management, marketing, economics, and entrepreneurship. Some career options related to Business Studies are:

- Business Manager: Business managers oversee the operations, strategy, and financial aspects of an organization.
- Marketing Manager: Marketing managers develop marketing strategies, conduct market research, and manage promotional campaigns.
- Entrepreneur: Entrepreneurs create and manage their own businesses, taking risks and identifying opportunities.
- Human Resources Manager: Human resources managers handle employee recruitment, training, and ensure compliance with labor laws.

Remember to further research these options based on your own interests, skills, and personal preferences. Consult with career counselors, professionals in the fields you're interested in, and explore internships or job shadowing opportunities to gain more insights.