Question 8 of 10

The process in which a hollow tube forms between two prokaryotes and genetic information is exchanged is called
A. lytic infection
B. conjugation
C. binary fission
D. prophage

its B. my good sir

(I'm pretty sure)

yes it was. Thnx


To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the process being described. The process in which a hollow tube forms between two prokaryotes and genetic information is exchanged is called conjugation.

Conjugation is a type of horizontal gene transfer that occurs in bacteria and other prokaryotes. It involves the transfer of genetic material, such as plasmids or other mobile genetic elements, from one individual (donor) to another (recipient). It is facilitated by a hollow tube-like structure called a pilus, which connects the two cells and allows for the transfer of DNA.

Now that we know the process is called conjugation, we can look at the options provided:

A. Lytic infection: Lytic infection refers to the process by which a virus infects and destroys a host cell, which is not the process described.

B. Conjugation: This is the correct answer. Conjugation involves the transfer of genetic material between prokaryotes through a hollow tube-like structure.

C. Binary fission: Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction in which a single parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells. It does not involve the exchange of genetic material between two individuals.

D. Prophage: A prophage is a dormant form of a bacteriophage (a virus that infects bacteria) that has integrated its viral DNA into the host genome. It is not related to the process described.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Conjugation.