What is a claim? A reason that tells why something is true or untrue. b the statement of an argument. c facts and examples that support an opinion. D ideas that oppose a belief

The answers for Connexus for Counter Claims Quick Check

100% are:
1. The statement of an argument.
2. Evidence.
3. To share an opinion that is supported by evidence.
4. By addressing objections with evidence.
5. The government should fund the building of public transportation systems to reduce air pollution.

claim - an assertion that something is true or factual; "his claim that he was innocent"; "evidence contradicted the government's claims" assertion , asseveration , averment - a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)

idk if there right or not

nvm they are right

i got 100%

Omg thx I'm Connexus Queen I got 5/5

Thank you now I can eat my breakfast ps we are having chicken


ty connexus queen

oof im dead