In the United States, people pay taxes so government can provide services to the people. What is one benefit of the government providing services instead of allowing the free market and private businesses to do so?

Government can provide services that would not be practical for private businesses to provide, such as a national military.
Government is generally more efficient at providing goods and services than private businesses.
Businesses should not provide services because a free market would be more efficient.
Businesses make better decisions than government about what services are in the best interest of society as a whole.


wait no the answer

is A!!

Government can provide services that would not be practical for private businesses to provide, such as a national military.

Actually, the correct answer is A. Government can provide services that would not be practical for private businesses to provide, such as a national military.

To arrive at this answer, we need to consider the advantages of government involvement in providing certain services. While the free market and private businesses play a crucial role in the economy and contribute to the overall prosperity, there are certain services that are considered essential but not necessarily profitable for businesses. The government steps in to fill this gap and provide these necessary services.

For example, a national military is a fundamental service that ensures the safety and security of a country. It requires significant resources and infrastructure, which may not be feasible for private businesses to undertake. By providing this service, the government ensures the protection of citizens and the sovereignty of the nation.

While it's true that the efficiency of government-run services can be a point of debate, the primary reason for the government's involvement in certain sectors is to ensure the provision of essential services that might otherwise be overlooked by private businesses.