Which is one way that the inclusion of Sophie Ruskay’s personal account contributes to the purpose of "At School"?

It highlights why the children hated repeating lessons.
It emphasizes the difficult conditions in many schools.
It highlights how immigrant children learned about America.
It emphasizes the difficulties faced by immigrant children.

the answer is B

The way that the inclusion of Sophie Ruskay's personal account contributes to the purpose of "At School" is by emphasizing the difficulties faced by immigrant children.

To determine which way Sophie Ruskay's personal account contributes to the purpose of "At School," we can analyze the text and identify the relevant details. To get the answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the passage: Begin by carefully reading the relevant sections of the text, "At School," and pay attention to any details related to Sophie Ruskay's personal account.

2. Understand the purpose: Identify the overall purpose of the text "At School," keeping in mind the main themes or ideas being addressed.

3. Analyze Sophie Ruskay's personal account: Examine Sophie Ruskay's personal account within the text to determine its significance and how it relates to the purpose of the passage. Look for any specific details or information that might shed light on this.

4. Evaluate the options: Review the given options and consider how each option aligns with the information about Sophie Ruskay's personal account. Evaluate how well each option reflects the impact of her account on the passage's purpose.

Based on the given options, it is likely that the correct answer is either "It highlights how immigrant children learned about America" or "It emphasizes the difficulties faced by immigrant children." However, without access to "At School" or more specific information about Sophie Ruskay's personal account, it is not possible to provide an exact answer.