Which underlined digit is ten times the value of the digit to its right?Responses A. 734,422,510 B. 734,422,510 C. 734,422,510 D. 734,422,510

Hold i will post the answer in a minute

No value is underlined. All alternatives are identical.

To determine which underlined digit is ten times the value of the digit to its right, we need to examine each option.

Option A: 7_4,422,510
The underlined digit is 7, and the digit to its right is 4. However, 7 is not ten times the value of 4, so this option is not correct.

Option B: 73_4,422,510
The underlined digit is 3, and the digit to its right is 4. 3 is not ten times the value of 4, so this option is also not correct.

Option C: 734_4,225,10
The underlined digit is 4, and the digit to its right is 4. Finally, we have found an instance where the underlined digit is ten times the value of the digit to its right. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

Option D: 734,_42,251,0
In this option, there are multiple underlined digits. However, none of them meet the condition of being ten times the value of the digit to their right. Therefore, this option is not correct.

In conclusion, the answer is option C: 734,422,510

To find the digit that is ten times the value of the digit to its right, we need to examine each underlined digit and compare it to the digit immediately to its right.

Looking at the given options:

A. 734,422,510
B. 734,422,510
C. 734,422,510
D. 734,422,510

We will check each option individually:

A. In this option, there is no underlined digit.

B. In this option, there is no underlined digit.

C. In this option, there is no underlined digit.

D. In this option, there is an underlined digit: 4. The digit to the right of 4 is 2. Is 4 ten times the value of 2? No, it is not. Therefore, the underlined digit in option D does not meet the given criteria.

After considering all the options, we can conclude that none of the given options have an underlined digit that is ten times the value of the digit to its right.