The drama group has 909090 minutes to practice two scenes. They want to practice the pirate scene 444 times, and each time takes 131313 minutes. The mermaid scene takes 777 minutes.



To find out if the drama group will have enough time to practice both scenes, we need to calculate the total time needed for each scene.

For the pirate scene:
Number of times to practice = 444
Time taken for each practice = 131,313 minutes
Total time for the pirate scene = 444 * 131,313 minutes

For the mermaid scene:
Time taken for the mermaid scene = 777 minutes

Now, let's calculate the total time needed to practice both scenes:
Total time needed = Total time for the pirate scene + Time taken for the mermaid scene

Total time needed = (444 * 131,313) + 777

Now, let's calculate the total time available for practice:
Total time available = 909,090 minutes

To determine whether the drama group has enough time to practice both scenes, we need to compare the total time needed with the total time available.

If the total time needed is less than or equal to the total time available, then the drama group has enough time to practice both scenes. Otherwise, they will not have enough time.

So, let's compare the total time needed with the total time available:
Total time needed <= Total time available

(444 * 131,313) + 777 <= 909,090

Now solve the equation to find the answer.

(444 * 131,313) + 777 equals 58,191,972

Therefore, the equation becomes:

58,191,972 <= 909,090

Since the statement is false, the drama group does not have enough time to practice both scenes.

Your numbers must be typos. Revise.