1.)The Dominion of New England, in which the British government abolished several separate colonies, was an example of which type of government?

a. confederate
b. federal****
c. state
d. unitary

2.) Which of the following is an argument for federalism?
a. states choosing to separate and create new states
b. common laws throughout the nation
c. states operating as experimental laboratories for ideas****
d. states taxing the goods coming from other states

3.) Which of the following was one of the problems with the confederate system of government?
a. states did not have enough power****
b. the United States did not have a unified central power
c. the Federal government dominated the states.
d. Foreign powers trusted the states instead of the nation

Howdy! @Please Help ok so you messed up on questions 1 and 3 but number 2 is correct I'm a very nice guy and I'm feeling generous today so I'm giving the answers so 1 you said was federal but that was wrong great try though you will get there and number 3 you answered B so the real answers are,

1. unitary
2. states operating as experimental laborites for ideas
3. The united states did not have a unified central power.
I hope this helps y'all have a nice day. and @please help I hope this helps YOU as well I hope you learned something today and it is you always learn from your mistakes and also "There are no mistakes" - master Oogway.

@𝒮𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓎 𝒯𝓌𝒾𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒮𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓀𝓁𝑒 oof

Y'all how is this a question on the internet but has no answer

@Mute The Brony Thank you! All the answers are correct. ^v^ But I believe Master Oogway said "There are no accidents".

100% Thanks Mute The Brony

Answers are:

1: D
2: C
3: B

-_- wow wonder were those answers came from...



@Mute The Brony tysm

q -p

1. The answer is d. unitary: The Dominion of New England was an example of a unitary government. To understand why, it's important to know what a unitary government is. A unitary government is a system in which power is centralized in the hands of a single central authority, and local or regional governments derive their power from that central authority. In the case of the Dominion of New England, the British government abolished several separate colonies in the New England region and established a single central authority to govern the entire region.

2. The answer is c. states operating as experimental laboratories for ideas: One argument for federalism is that it allows states to operate as experimental laboratories for ideas. Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments (such as states or provinces). This division of power allows states to implement and test different policies and initiatives, and if successful, those ideas can then be adopted by other states or by the central government. This allows for policy experimentation and innovation at the state level, which can lead to more effective governance overall.

3. The answer is c. the Federal government dominated the states: One of the problems with the confederate system of government was that the Federal government dominated the states. A confederate system of government is a system in which power is primarily held by the individual states, with a weak central government that only has limited powers granted by the states. In this system, the states have more power and autonomy compared to the central government. However, this can lead to problems such as lack of coordination, inability to effectively address national issues, and potential for conflicts between states. In the case of the confederate system in the United States under the Articles of Confederation, the central government was weak and lacked the necessary authority to effectively govern and control the states, which led to numerous problems and eventually led to the adoption of a stronger federal system under the U.S. Constitution.