How do you say “These are the rooms” in Spanish?

A: Estas son las cuartos.

B: Este es el cuarto.

C: Estos son los cuartos. plz help

In this question you are talking about multiple rooms, not just one room.

Estos son los cuartos.


You are welcome.

The correct way to say "These are the rooms" in Spanish is option C: "Estos son los cuartos."

To arrive at the correct answer, you need to understand a few key points.

Firstly, in Spanish, the word for "rooms" is "cuartos."

Next, Spanish adjectives need to agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. In this case, since "rooms" (cuartos) is plural, the adjective "these" also needs to be plural.

The demonstrative pronoun "these" has different forms depending on the gender and number of the noun it refers to. In this case, since "rooms" is plural and masculine, the correct form is "estos."

Finally, the verb "to be" is translated as "ser" in Spanish, and it needs to agree in number and gender with the noun it refers to. Since "rooms" is plural and masculine, the correct form is "son."

Therefore, combining all these elements, the correct translation of "These are the rooms" is "Estos son los cuartos."