Read the excerpt from "Island of Hope, Island of Tears."

After a brief courtship, he and Vida Dixon married and sailed to the United States in 1923.

Which statement best describes the text structure of this sentence and explains why it is used?

A cause-and-effect text structure is used to show the relationship between Walter and Vida Hayter.
A sequence text structure is used to describe an order of events in Walter and Vida Hayter's life.
A compare-and-contrast text structure is used to show how Walter Hayter is different from Vida Hayter.
A cause-and-effect text structure is used to explain why Walter and Vida Hayter sailed to the United States.

The statement that best describes the text structure of this sentence is a sequence text structure. The sentence is describing a series of events in chronological order - first, Walter and Vida Dixon have a brief courtship, and then they get married and sail to the United States in 1923. The purpose of using a sequence text structure is to present the events in a clear and logical order, allowing the reader to follow the progression of Walter and Vida Hayter's life.