PLEASE CHECK MY ANSWERS! I need to get good grades on my final assessments before the first semester is over.

1. What percent is modeled below?
[A 10x10 square with 35 blocks filled in]
A. 25%
B. 35%****
C. 45%
D. 65%

2. Which shaded area represents 70%
A. [A square with ten stripes, 7 are shaded in]*****
B. A Square with 5 stripes, 4 are shaded in]
C. [A 2x2 square with 3 shaded in]
D. [A square with 10 stripes, 3 are shaded in]

3. Rewrite 15/20 as a percent.
A. 15%
B. 35%
C. 75%*****
D. 95%

Yes,them are the correct answers

1. B
2. A
3. C

The fact that my parents let me cheat…

Most people would say “ o that’s probably not what there saying” NO my dad said if you don’t know the answer cheat! I was sitting at my desk last night with my mom literally telling me to look up the answer to math problems XD

lookin' good

poppy is correct!!!!!

im very burnt-out from school hahahhahahahahahahahahaahahahahhahaahhadshdfhadkadshkahjahjadshjdsfkadsfhsdafkfdsf😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😀😀😀😀😀😀🤭


Gemini Kitten is correct

1. 35%
2. choose the one with 3 rows not filled in
3. 15/20 as a percent is 75%
Have an amazing day!
*This is really easy so you should not have to come here
Please inform me if I am wrong!

Like scoob, we found the answer.

@dhfgrkbtrujmygfmjlmghmiohji,m, Math lost its value when they started putting numbers in equations. jiskha is literally a website used for cheating, If you don't like it, don't come here and be such a snob.

(don't get to offended x)

poppy is right 100%

roses are red

violets are blue
the answers were right for me
should be for you too!