“During a discussion in science class Sharon learned that a birth of an elephant Weighs 230 pounds in for herd of elephants tracked by conversationalist about 20 calves were born during the summer in Scientific notation expressed approximately how much the Calves weighed all together.”

20*230 = 2.0*10^1 * 2.3*10^2 = 4.6*10^3

To calculate approximately how much the calves weighed altogether in scientific notation, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the weight of one calf by the number of calves born.

230 pounds/calve × 20 calves = 4,600 pounds

Step 2: Convert the weight to scientific notation.

4,600 pounds = 4.6 × 10^3 pounds

So, the approximate weight of all the calves together in scientific notation is 4.6 × 10^3 pounds.

To find the approximate weight of all the calves together in scientific notation, you need to multiply the weight of one calf (230 pounds) by the number of calves born (20).

To do this, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the weight of one calf (230 pounds) by the number of calves born (20) to find the total weight:

230 pounds * 20 = 4,600 pounds

Step 2: Express this total weight in scientific notation. Scientific notation is a way to express numbers as a coefficient multiplied by a power of 10. The coefficient should be a number greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10.

In this case, the total weight is 4,600 pounds. To express this in scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point to the left until we have a coefficient between 1 and 10. Count the number of places you move the decimal point.

In this case, we need to move the decimal point three places to the left to obtain 4.6.

Step 3: Write the coefficient (4.6) followed by the power of 10. The power of 10 is determined by the number of places the decimal point was moved.

In this case, since we moved the decimal point three places to the left, the power of 10 is -3.

Therefore, the approximate weight of all the calves together in scientific notation is 4.6 × 10^3 pounds.