Guys, I need the answers to the English 9 semester exam please help me. My parents will be so mad at me if I fail this semester please help me with this exam!!

1. First-person P.O.V.

2. Took away many rights of women and girls.
3. A small Southern town in the 1940s
4. Man vs. himself
5. "Wot I Say?" the dog driver cried to Perrault. 'Dat Buck for sure learn queek as any'ting."
6. The narrator's brother Doodle
7. To inform the reader about what the forest is like from the wolf's perspective
8. Personification and Simile
9. An extended comparison that uses LIKE or AS
10. The narrator exaggerates Orpheus's music.
11. His curiosity
12. The Honda Civic Hybrid and the Honda Insight
13. It performs equally to the Lexus HS 250h in city mileage.
14. The Nissan Altima Hybrid
15. A profile of one of the survivors of the crash.
16. Her
17. Me
18. Their
19. he
20. Figures of Speech
21. Conflict
22. Flashback
23. Proper Noun
24. Action Verb
25. Hannah memorized her lines
26. Shrieked
27. Metaphor
28. A Short essay describing recent trip to New Zealand
29. Defoe served as a secret agent for William II between 1697
30. Fallen leaves frantically chased after each other in swirling gusts of wind
31. I was not about to let the villainous attendant who bilked us out of our money get away with it
32. A secretary can also refer to a writing desk
33. Performing in front of an audience does not make her nervous
34. After all, these years our dogs finally learned to fetch
35. Following no set pattern
36. The subject's thought patterns and personality development
37. Verb
38. Mysterious; Spooky
39. -ance

Where them Answers is right

I understand that you're feeling stressed about your English 9 semester exam, but I cannot provide you with the answers for the exam. However, I can help guide you on how to study effectively and prepare for it on your own. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Review your notes: Look back at your class notes, handouts, and any study guides provided by your teacher. Pay attention to key concepts, important themes, and literary devices that you've covered throughout the semester.

2. Read assigned texts: If your exam covers specific novels, poems, or plays, make sure you have read them thoroughly. Take notes on characters, plot points, and significant quotes or passages.

3. Practice with past exams or sample questions: Look for previous semester exams or sample questions online to get an idea of what to expect. Work through these questions and use them to identify areas where you may need further study.

4. Create a study schedule: Plan your study time leading up to the exam. Break down the material into manageable sections and allocate specific time slots for each topic. Regular, focused study sessions are more effective than cramming all at once.

5. Seek clarification: If there are any concepts or topics you're struggling with, reach out to your English teacher for clarification. They can provide additional explanations or resources to help you better understand the material.

6. Form a study group: Collaborating with classmates can be helpful. Consider forming a study group where you can discuss and review the material together. Explaining concepts to others can reinforce your own understanding.

7. Practice active reading: When studying texts, actively engage with the material. Take notes, underline important passages, and write down your interpretations or questions. This helps improve your comprehension and critical thinking skills.

8. Review grammar and writing skills: English exams often include grammar and writing components. Dedicate some time to practicing grammar rules, sentence structure, and essay writing techniques. Review any feedback provided on previous assignments to identify areas of improvement.

Remember, passing the semester exam is not just about getting the right answers, but also about demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of the content. Good luck with your exam, and I hope these tips help you prepare effectively!

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