an art studio is ordering recycled sketch pads for the year. the table shows the various quantities and prices available from a wholesale supplier. what is the between the LEAST EXPENSIVE DEAL and the MOST EXPENSIVE DEAL?

Number of Sketch pads | Price
200 | $72.00
350 | $94.50
400 | $124.00
620 | $217.00
850 | $221.00

A) 1 cent

B) 3 cents

C) 5 cents

D) 10 cents

I actually have no idea, please help


D) 10¢

$72.00/200 = 36¢;

$94.50/350 = 27¢;

$124.00/400= 31¢;

$217.00/620= 35¢;

$221.00/850= 26¢;

The difference in unit price is 36¢ − 26¢ = 10 ¢.

the answer is

D. 10 cents

hold on just a sec, i will give u the answer in just a second

Thank you so much! And have a Merry Christmas!

To find the difference between the least expensive deal and the most expensive deal, we need to determine the prices for each deal and then calculate the difference.

We can see from the table that the prices vary depending on the quantity of sketch pads ordered. To find the price for each deal, we need to look at the prices listed next to the corresponding quantity of sketch pads.

The least expensive deal is when you order 200 sketch pads for $72.00.

The most expensive deal is when you order 850 sketch pads for $221.00.

To find the difference, we subtract the price of the least expensive deal from the price of the most expensive deal:

$221.00 - $72.00 = $149.00

Therefore, the difference between the least expensive deal and the most expensive deal is $149.00.

Now, looking at the answer choices provided, none of them match the calculated difference. It seems there might be an error in the answer choices or the calculations have been overlooked.