9. Which example shows how natural selection can affect the individuals in a species? (1 point)

The length of snakes increases as they grow older and eat more food.
The number of light-colored mice increases over time in a sandy environment.
Some individuals in an insect species prefer to eat one plant over another plant.
Individuals in a turtle species lay their eggs on different beaches near where they were born.

I need help please

I think it’s A

To determine which example shows how natural selection can affect the individuals in a species, we need to understand what natural selection is. Natural selection is the process by which certain characteristics or traits become more common in a population over time due to their positive impact on survival and reproduction.

Let's examine each of the options provided:
1. "The length of snakes increases as they grow older and eat more food." This does not necessarily represent natural selection. It could be attributed to individual growth patterns or nutrition intake, but it does not reflect a change in the population due to survival advantages.
2. "The number of light-colored mice increases over time in a sandy environment." This example does indicate natural selection. In a sandy environment, light-colored mice may have a survival advantage over darker-colored mice because they can better blend in with their surroundings and avoid predators. Therefore, over time, the population would have a higher proportion of light-colored mice.
3. "Some individuals in an insect species prefer to eat one plant over another plant." This scenario does not directly illustrate natural selection, but rather indicates differences in dietary preferences among individuals within a species.
4. "Individuals in a turtle species lay their eggs on different beaches near where they were born." This situation does not involve natural selection, but rather represents a behavior or instinct among individuals within a species.

So, based on the options provided, the example that best demonstrates how natural selection can impact individuals in a species is: "The number of light-colored mice increases over time in a sandy environment."