he distance between City A and City B is 500 miles. A length of 1.5 feet represents this distance on a certain wall map. City C and City D are 2.4 feet apart on this map. What is the actual distance between City C and City​ D?

The actual distance between City C and City D is
nothing miles.

you know, you don't have to start a whole new post to correct one you have left incomplete. Just add a response to the original, so we don't waste time opening up both questions.

CD/2.4 = 1.5/500

To find the actual distance between City C and City D, we need to use the scale provided in the problem. The scale tells us that 1.5 feet on the map represents a distance of 500 miles. We can set up a proportion to find the actual distance:

1.5 feet on the map / 500 miles = 2.4 feet on the map / x miles

Cross-multiplying, we get:

1.5 feet * x miles = 500 miles * 2.4 feet

Dividing both sides by 1.5 feet:

x miles = (500 miles * 2.4 feet) / 1.5 feet


x miles = 800 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between City C and City D is 800 miles.