what are ten facts about lava flow?

p.s:if possible,can i have the answer mailed back before tuesday..
Thanks in Advance!!!

Here is some material on lava flow.

Sure! Here are ten facts about lava flow:

1. Lava flows are streams or rivers of molten rock that emerge from a volcanic vent during an eruption.
2. Lava flows can be extremely hot, with temperatures ranging from 700 to 1,200 degrees Celsius.
3. The viscosity, or thickness, of the lava determines how fast and far it can flow. More viscous lava tends to move slower, while less viscous lava can travel greater distances.
4. Lava can take different forms as it flows, such as pahoehoe (smooth and rope-like) or a'a (rough and blocky).
5. Lava flows can occur both on land and underwater, with underwater lava flows known as pillow basalt.
6. Lava can destroy everything in its path, including vegetation, buildings, and infrastructure.
7. Lava flows can create new land, as the solidified lava cools and forms new geological features like lava tubes, caves, and lava deltas.
8. The length and size of lava flows can vary greatly, with some flows extending for several kilometers while others may only reach a few meters.
9. The speed at which lava flows can range from a slow crawl of a few meters per hour to fast-moving flows that can reach speeds of tens of kilometers per hour.
10. Lava flows can have long-lasting effects, as the solidified lava can be preserved for thousands or even millions of years, providing valuable geological information.

If you need more specific information or additional facts, please let me know, and I'll be happy to assist you further.