Visualize an image that represents the concept of Earth as the third planet from the sun, and the concept of persuasion, embodied in the form of a pair of scales. On one side of the scales, place a miniature globe representing the Earth, with clear features showing it's the third position from a bright, radiant sun placed nearby. On the other side of the scales, place an empty speech bubble signifying an argument or debate. This will depict the juxtaposition of empirical fact versus persuasive discourse. Remember, this image should be free of text.

Use the sentence to answer the question.

"Earth is the third planet from the sun."

Why is this a bad claim for a persuasive text?

(1 point)

It cannot be supported.

It is not arguable.**

It is a significant statement.

It expresses a point of view.

KCA 2020


:Put in your own words
:Add more
:Miss one or two
:Do NOT copy and paste

1: It is not arguable
2: Soccer can provide good exercise
3: Children might have trouble walking a dog
4: Wild animals can carry life threatening diseases


6: I is insupportable and insignificant to the reader
7: Reading has shown to improve concentration
8: Furthermore
9: 1; such as ; therefore
10: A school newspaper can empower students to become active and engaged member of society
11: In conclusion, being paid for chores could be helpful to all kids so they can learn to earn money and what do do with it beneficially.

12: A kid might get made fun of for what they wear.

13: If they can't walk then they can't dance. This proves that dance isn't beneficial for everyone.

14: It is not government approved. People need food to get them through the day.


on nuber 5 its

c:an article published by a doctor about the benefits of exercise

Writing an argument unit test answers

This is for 7th grade Connexus kids!!
1. It is not arguable.
2. Soccer can provide good exercise.
3. Children might have trouble walking a dog.
4. Wild animals can carry life-threatening diseases.
5. an article published by a doctor about the benefits of exercise
6 It is insupportable and insignificant to the reader.
7. Reading has been shown to improve concentration.
8. Furthermore
9. 1. such as 2. therefore
10. A school newspaper can empower students to become active and engaged members of society.
Do not copy the exact words change the word's so it does not look like you copy someone else's.
11. In conclusion, being paid for chores can be helpful to kids so they can learn how to earn money and what to do with it beneficially. It is better to teach them early on about how to make money so it will not be as hard in the future. This will help them because if you taught them about money early then they will be more responsible with their money as they grow up.

12. Well uniforms would mean that everyone wears the same thing so that would cause less people making fun of other people about their clothes. And to some people it makes the school look more proper and well educated. So in conclusion wearing uniforms will make the school look better and reduce bulling because all the students are wearing the same outfit.

13. Well it is not a great exercise for everyone because If they can't walk then they can't dance. This proves that dance isn't beneficial for everyone. So that means dance is not always the right exercise for everyone.

14 This is not credible. This is not credible because one everyone know that you need food to go through the whole day and second it is not an expert verified source.
I got 100 percent

number 14 is because the source is biased and not an expert.

but unknown is wright but number five is that

I agree with what you answered.

Number 5 is an article published by a doctor about the benefits of exercise

ok ty

The correct answer is: It is not arguable.

The sentence "Earth is the third planet from the sun" is a factual statement that is widely accepted as true. It does not present an opinion or a point of view, and it is not a claim that can be debated or contested. Therefore, it would not be suitable for a persuasive text, which typically aims to present arguments and convince the reader of a particular viewpoint or opinion.