Which accurately describes events leading to the Scientific Revolution?

Select all that apply.

- Knowledge gained from exploring new lands inspired the Scientific Revolution

- Greek rationalism (use of logic and reason) inspired the Scientific Revolution

To accurately describe events leading to the Scientific Revolution, we need to understand the historical context and influences that paved the way for this significant shift in scientific thinking. Here are two accurate statements:

1. Knowledge gained from exploring new lands inspired the Scientific Revolution: During the Age of Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries, Europeans made significant voyages of discovery, which exposed them to diverse cultures, new ideas, and previously unknown plants, animals, and resources. This expanded global perspective and the acquisition of new knowledge sparked curiosity and a desire to understand the natural world through scientific inquiry.

2. Greek rationalism (use of logic and reason) inspired the Scientific Revolution: The Renaissance period (14th-17th centuries) witnessed a revival of interest in the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Scholars and humanists sought to reconnect with the wisdom of classical antiquity, including the works of ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato. Their focus on rationalism, logic, and observation influenced subsequent scientific thinkers and provided a foundation for the development of empirical investigation during the Scientific Revolution.

By exploring new lands and gaining new knowledge and drawing inspiration from the intellectual achievements of ancient Greece, these events contributed to the groundwork for the Scientific Revolution.