how many atoms are there in 3(NH4)2SO4 ?

3 molecules of ammonium sulfate contain ... 45 atoms

To determine the number of atoms in 3(NH4)2SO4, we need to calculate the total number of atoms for each element present in the compound and multiply it by the number of moles.

The compound is (NH4)2SO4, which consists of the following elements:
1 Nitrogen (N)
8 Hydrogen (H)
1 Sulfur (S)
4 Oxygen (O)

First, let's calculate the number of atoms for each element in (NH4)2SO4:
- Nitrogen (N): There are 1 nitrogen atom in each (NH4)2SO4 molecule.
- Hydrogen (H): There are 8 hydrogen atoms in each (NH4)2SO4 molecule.
- Sulfur (S): There is 1 sulfur atom in each (NH4)2SO4 molecule.
- Oxygen (O): There are 4 oxygen atoms in each (NH4)2SO4 molecule.

Now, we multiply the count of each element by the number of moles (3):
- Nitrogen (N): 1 atom/molecule x 3 molecules = 3 atoms
- Hydrogen (H): 8 atoms/molecule x 3 molecules = 24 atoms
- Sulfur (S): 1 atom/molecule x 3 molecules = 3 atoms
- Oxygen (O): 4 atoms/molecule x 3 molecules = 12 atoms

Therefore, in 3(NH4)2SO4, there are a total of:
3 Nitrogen atoms
24 Hydrogen atoms
3 Sulfur atoms
12 Oxygen atoms

To determine the number of atoms in a compound, you need to consider the number of each type of atom present in its chemical formula.

For the compound (NH4)2SO4, we have:

- NH4: This indicates one ammonium ion consisting of one nitrogen atom (N) and four hydrogen atoms (H).
- SO4: This indicates one sulfate ion consisting of one sulfur atom (S) and four oxygen atoms (O).

Now, to find the total number of atoms in 3(NH4)2SO4, we multiply the number of each type of atom by the number of (NH4)2SO4 molecules. In this case, we have three molecules:

(NH4)2SO4 × 3

Breaking it down further:
- Number of ammonium ions = 2
- Number of hydrogen atoms in each ammonium ion = 4
- Number of sulfur atoms = 1
- Number of oxygen atoms in each sulfate ion = 4

Calculating the total number of atoms:

Number of ammonium ions × Number of hydrogen atoms (in each ammonium ion) × Number of (NH4)2SO4 molecules + Number of sulfur atoms × Number of (NH4)2SO4 molecules + Number of oxygen atoms (in each sulfate ion) × Number of (NH4)2SO4 molecules

(2 × 4 × 3) + (1 × 3) + (4 × 3)

24 + 3 + 12

The total number of atoms in 3(NH4)2SO4 is 39.