72 is what percent of 480? write and solve an equation to solve the problem.

i finished the problem, but i can't figure out how to write the equation.


72 is what percent of 480? Write and solve an equation to solve the problem.

Step 1. First, I will write out the equation.
part = percent x whole

Step 2. Now, fill in the parts…
72 = p x 480

Step 3. I will simply divide 72 by 480, which will be 0.15.

Step 4. The decimal can be converted to a percent by simply multiplying by 100. In that case, 0.15 x 100 = 15%.

So, 15% of 480 is 72.

hope that helps.

anyone got the answer?

To write the equation, we can let the unknown percent be represented by "x".

The equation can be set up as:
x% of 480 = 72

Now, to solve the equation, we need to eliminate the percentage sign by converting "x" into a decimal. To do that, we divide "x" by 100:

(x/100) * 480 = 72

To isolate "x", we can divide both sides of the equation by 480:

(x/100) = 72/480
(x/100) = 0.15

Lastly, to solve for "x", we can multiply both sides of the equation by 100:

x = 0.15 * 100
x = 15

Therefore, 72 is 15% of 480.