Javier wants to go to the movies. He has some money saved but does not want to use all his savings on a movie ticket. Javier's mother offers to pay some of the cost of the ticket for every pound of potatoes he peels for her. The graph shows the cost to Javier for the purchase of the movie ticket after peeling x pounds of potatoes for his mother.

(Graph of x representing pounds, and y representing cost. Line going through (0,6) and (8,0) )
True or false questions:
1. The movie ticket is 6$
2. Javier can earn up to $8 peeling potatoes for his mother.
3. Javier's mother pays him $0.75 for each pound of potatoes he peels.
4. Javier does not have to use any of his own money toward the purchase of a movie ticket when he peels 8lb of potatoes.
5. Javier only needs to peel 2 lbs of potatoes to not use any of his own money.

To answer these true or false questions, let's analyze the given information and the graph:

1. The graph does not provide us with the exact cost of the movie ticket, so we cannot determine if it is $6 or not. Therefore, the answer to the first question is unknown.

2. Looking at the graph, when Javier peels 8 pounds of potatoes, the cost of the movie ticket is 0. This means that he can indeed earn up to $8 by peeling potatoes for his mother. So, the answer to the second question is true.

3. From the graph, we cannot directly determine how much Javier's mother pays him for each pound of potatoes. The given information does not specify the exact rate. Therefore, the answer to the third question is unknown.

4. According to the graph, when Javier peels 8 pounds of potatoes, the cost of the movie ticket is 0. This means that he does not have to use any of his own money to purchase the ticket. So, the answer to the fourth question is true.

5. By analyzing the graph, when Javier peels 2 pounds of potatoes, the cost of the movie ticket is not zero, indicating that he would still need to use some of his own money. Therefore, the answer to the fifth question is false.

In summary:
- Question 1: Unknown.
- Question 2: True.
- Question 3: Unknown.
- Question 4: True.
- Question 5: False.

you have the intercepts, so the equation of the line is

x/8 + y/6 = 1
Now use that to answer the questions.