Visualize an abstract representation of oral tradition, specifically creation myths. Depict a group of people from diverse descents such as Black, Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, Caucasian, South-Asian, and East-Asian, seated around a campfire under a starry night. They are listening intently to an elderly figure who is telling a captivating tale. The storyteller's narrative seems to be materializing into ethereal images in the smoke wafting from the fire, showcasing elements of various well-known global creation myths, such as a cosmic egg, a swirling chaos, towering giants, and tribal deities. The scene should be imbued with a sense of wonder, curiosity, and the profound impact of these ancient stories, all provoking deep contemplation about their purpose. However, implement the scene without any written or visual-text elements.


Which of the following describes a purpose of creation myths?

I also need help with the other questions but they are to long to type.

they changed the answer's

1. to illustrate how the earth came to be
2. an animal character
3. Women were responsible for gathering crops.
4. Why frogs make a certain sound
5. to share traditional stories across generations

remember it can change

if you are connexus student this it the answer for UNDERSTANDING ORAL TRADITION QUICK CHECK

1 - a to illustrate how the earth came to be
2 - c a local animal
3 - d Women were responsible for gathering crops.
4 - b Why frogs make a certain sound
5 - b the beliefs and habits of the people who make up the culture
i swear because i did it all ready

C-earth's origin

B-local animal
D-woman gathers
B-certain sound
B-beliefs habits


2. To illustrate how the earth came to be
3.The mention of local animals
4.Comparing text to experiences
5. Connecting text to the world at large

in case you dont know what どうもありがとうございます "andy" in Connexus student

あなたは私の成績を保存しました :)
means its :

thank you so much "andy" in Connexus student
you saved my grades

i speak japanese too
and korean as well

Baguette, is right. If you would have any braincells than you would get it right. You dont go by the letters, you go by the anwser.

The letters are not right for the beginning if you go to Connexus but read what it says and you'll get them right

どうもありがとうございます "andy" in Connexus student

あなたは私の成績を保存しました :)

I think they changed the quick check

my answer choices are completely different.

Andy in Connexus student is right I just took the Understanding Oral Tt

me too "help" and chinese, spanish, and french

A student is 100% correct

Baguette is right, aside from the letters. Thx

A student is correct! The answers make more sense in his and are correct i for 100%

andy is correct!!

Thx andy!

a student is correct !!!

Hi I am from the future, on 1/6/2022 the same quick check will be due, but it has different answers (I know because I did it early) so I will be providing the answers for you people of the future: illustrate how the earth came to be animal character
3.Women were responsible for gathering crops.
4.Why frogs make a certain sound share traditional stories across generations

shawty got them apple bottom jeeansss, booots with the fuuUUr, she got the whole club was lookin at heEEr. She hit th- JESSICA!

thx "andy" in connexus student


1.During the holiday of Passover, the seder is spoken, to tell the story of the Exodus. This story has been told for generations to educate children on the history of Jewish culture was taught, for reasons now forgot, that an Indian should never pronounce his or her name in answer to any inquiry. lessons were learned through observation and the process of beadwork
4.evil German villain whose only goal is to take over the world

4.Why frogs make a certain sound share traditional stories across generations

@ a student is correct thank you :)

you dumb people there is a word problem

same Les!!!!!!!!

real answers illustrate how the earth came to be animal character
3.Women were responsible for gathering crops.

thanks wolf pup

100% on my quick check

Dear ahhhg

do you go to connexus I bet you don't you see THEY HAVE DIFFERENT ANSWERS YOUR THE IDIOT

sincerely whoever

Wolf pup is correct 5/5 (connexus)

ok lol

100% thanks @a student

Phone guy 2021 ver, is correct

thx (⌐■_■)

Thx ._. got a 100%

My name is Naruko Uzumaki! I'm 12 years old. He lives in the village of Konoha Village. His favorite food is Ichiraku's miso chashu ramen! There are no parents. But I'm living happily with my favorite boyfriend, Naruto. When I grow up, I'll be the strongest three in the world. Oh, and I want to marry Naruto. Bye Bye!

I didn't use google translate.

lol I'm sitting here laughing

wolf pup is all correct!! 감사합니다!! (thank you!!)

@a student is 100% right


Uh, my answer choices are correct for wolf pup. I don't know what you all are talking about, but you might be from states that have diff answers. Idk. I'm at ORCAP.

ok since every body is speaking my second language all of the sudden,

I guess it's ok for me to pst this: 私の名前はうずまきナル子だってばね!私は12歳だよ。木の葉の郷に住んでいる。好きな食べ物は一楽の味噌ちゃしゅラーメンだってばね!親はありません。でも、私は大好きな彼氏、ナルト、と幸せに暮らしてるってばね。大きくなったら、私は世界1番強い三人になるってばね。あっ、そしてナルトと結婚したいってばね。じゃ、バイバイ!
Alr, guess what i just posted WITHOUT GOOGLE TRANSLATE!!

@TwynTymeYT thank you for answering! here are a few mistakes you/I made.

1.) 私 means a girl is saying "I am" or "my".
2.) I accidentally wrote Sannin which I know in Japanese means three people, but I meant to say くノ一 which means female ninja.

Ah! I did not know, well, at least I got a few right,, Have a good day and merry early Christmas.

@TwynTymeYT I also said that I have no parents and instead of favorite boyfriend I said beloved boyfriend aswell. Anyway, Merry Christmas!

@xNightmare Same gurl! Naru wth are you doing eh? you're littearly sharing private info to EVERYONE!! THINK NARU THINK!!!

Phone Guy 2021 Ver. FNAF is correct. Don't listen to les

baguette is WRONG!! The correct answers are
