A major failure or Reconstruction was that

a. the South's cotton production never recovered
b. war debts remained unpaid
c. racist attitudes continued in the North and South
d. no African Americans were voted into Congress

any idea on this

What is the one factor that remained a serious problem until at least 1970 in the U.S. It still exists in a way even today.

Hint: Think about the jubilation when our latest president was sworn into office.

I'm not 100% sure, but i think that the answer is C

i'm sorry i meant C aswell...sry

How do Southern war debts have anything to do with President Obama?

Have you read the section in your text about Reconstruction?

because in my book it says: Racist attitudes toward African Americans continued, in both the South and the North

Yes. The correct answer is C.

Yeah, I think its C, but I may be wrong. This is what I think. You can't expect people to like each other just because someone say so.