To assess a claim made in an argumentative text, what do you evaluate?

Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

the format


the author



What does tracing mean?

to follow connections between the claim that was made and the evidence used to support it

When you review a text to evaluate its argument, what is the first thing you must do?

Identify the authors claim

Which question should you consider when you evaluate a text for its argument

Is there enough evidence for the claim

To assess a claim made in an argumentative text, what do you evaluate?



I got 💯 with these answers I used my brain . pls don't cheat just use these to check ur awnsers

Have a good day :)

thanks sky I got 100 percent

to follow connections between the claim that was made and the evidence used to support it

Identify the authors claim

Is there enough evidence for the claim

coherence and Evidence

100 percent, sky is correct

and also on English language arts whenever someone says the letters like a b c d e its incorrect, because the place where the answer you think is correct is different for everybody so you have to say the actual word like what sky said above me.

I would say the author and evidence.

No actually it was evidence and coherence:(

Which two options describe steps in analyzing a claim? Select the two correct answers?

writing a story about an argument you had

understanding what the author's argument is

determining why the audience feels a certain way

making up facts to defend the argument

determining how convincing the argument is

The two correct answers are:

- Understanding what the author's argument is
- Determining how convincing the argument is

Which statement could serve as a claim in an argumentative text?(1 point)


My dog is the best dog in the world.

Screen-time is harmful to the brain.

Walking to school is fun.

I like to take long, fast bike rides.

The statement that could serve as a claim in an argumentative text is "Screen-time is harmful to the brain."

If an author claims that people should always wear a seat belt, which sentence would be a reason to support that claim?(1 point)


Seat belts save lives.
Seat belts save lives.

My sister got in a car accident and was wearing her seat belt

I wear a seat belt every time I am in the car.

I never wear my seat belt and I have never gotten hurt.

The sentence that would be a reason to support that claim is "Seat belts save lives."