Math 7A Unit 5 Lesson 11 Portfolio answers plzzzzzzzzz

I'm sorry, but I am not able to provide specific answers for the Math 7A Unit 5 Lesson 11 Portfolio. However, I can help guide you on how to approach the questions and find the answers yourself.

1. Read the question carefully: Make sure you understand what the question is asking for. Identify any key terms or information given.

2. Review the lesson materials: Go back to your textbook, notes, and any other resources provided for the lesson. Look for relevant information that can help you answer the question.

3. Solve the problem step-by-step: If the question requires a mathematical calculation, start by setting up the problem. Use any relevant formulas or concepts from the lesson. Show your work and explain your reasoning.

4. Seek help if needed: If you are truly stuck on a question or don't understand a concept, don't hesitate to ask for help. Reach out to your teacher, classmates, or use online resources to seek clarification.

Remember, the purpose of portfolios is to demonstrate your understanding of the material, so it is important to try your best and show your work. Good luck!