multiplying and dividing fractions unit test part one

I have 22 questions

srsly we need answerss



Y'all are no help at all

Alright here are your answers 1. 1/2 2. 17/8 3. 40 1/5 4. 43 5. 10 lb 6. 30 7. 1 5/16 8. 3 1/5 9. 6 subjects 10. 2 11. 8/9 12. 88 13. 2 3/4 14. 6 1/4 15. fluid ounces 16. length of your own room 17. 2 18. 2 8/15 19. 2 ft 7 in. 20. 2 quarts the rest you do on your own!

are these right? its the test at the end connexus 6th grade want to check answer

@Bri some of your anwers are wrong, btw



BTW, I'm coming with answers to the Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Test Part 1.

Thanks mivvy!

Lol you thought maybe later

bro i need the test answer pls


mr.ismair your answers are not even on the test, give the right answers.

what is the correct answer I have 21 questions

yall are no help and btw bri some of the answers on yours are not even on the test

someone please just give the correct answers



That's interesting, those are the answers for me

Someone pls what is it?!😭

@werido #1 is wrong the real answer is 5/21

really? right back at u

these are the answers

1. 1/2
2. 1 7/8
3. 1/5
4. 3 3/4
5. 9/38
6. 56
7. 1 1/4
8. 1 12/13
9. 2
10. 2/3
11. 5/8
12. 88
13. 2 2/7
14. 6 1/4
15. 1 gal
16. length of a roller skating rink
17. 2
18. 2 8/15
19. 2 ft 7 in
20. 3 3/5
21. sorry but do it by your own

To anybody who said do the work yourself, you can go somewhere else seeing as this has become a CHEAT SITE. So why are you here looking for answers to work, but telling people they shouldn't?

To anybody looking for answers, I'll come with answers to my test in a bit once I'm finished.

-Answers In Words

Gav's Mom number 17 isn't quite right think back on what your being asked.

Answers for 2023?..

How many of brys awnsers are wrong??

ill post answers soon

100% :)

well i am not suppose to do your work, you do your own work.

Just helped my son get 18/20 with 2 more possible points for 6th grade connects! I know some of you want people to do their own work; but everyone needs help sometimes ;)

1. 5/6
2. 2 2/3
3. 17 1/2
4. 5 3/5
5. 10 pounds
6. 56
7. 1 1/4
8. 3 1/5
9. 6 subject
10. 2/3
11. 3/4 cups
12. 88
13. 3 3/8
14. 6 1/4 ft
15. Newborn baby
16. Length of nose
17. 8
18. 25,700
19. 2 ft 7 in
20. 4 2/3
21. Do yourself..... explained below.
16 ounces in pound, so multiply 16 times 4 to get 64. So you need another 4 ounces for the recipe.
Put it in your own words!

guys I have 18 questions and mine is on connex can yawl give me the answers and show how yawl did them please and thanks

mivvy.. your answers arent on the test.

mr. ismar whatever your name is half of your questions are wrong.


Guys Mivvy is right!

Multiplying and dividing fractions

Multiple Choice.
find the product. Simplify.
1) 1/10x3/4=

2) 4/5 of 40. multipliy it!

3)1/3 of 3 multiply it

4) Betty had 1/7 yard of ribbon. she used 1/6 of it. How many yards of ribbon did she use?
a)1/42 yard

5) suppose you have 15 muffins. How many muffins are left after you give a friend 1/3 of them?
a) 10
6) 8x 5 1/2
a) 44

7)At a warehouse, boxes of merchandise are placed on the shelves and stacks that are 7 boxes high. If each box is 4 3/5 inches in height, how tall is the stack of boxes?
a) 32 1/5

8) evaluate 2/3x for x = 3/4

@werido I agree one hundred percent

for the multipying and dividing fractions unit test part 1 the answers are:

1. 5/6
2. 2 2/3
3. 46 1/5
4. 33
5. 10 lb
6. 56
7. 7/15
8. 3 1/5
9. 6 subjects
10. 1/5
11. 8/9
12. 88
13. 3 3/8
14. 25
15. fluid ounces
16. length of your room
17. 4
18. 2 8/15
19. 2 ft 8 in
20. 8 quarts
21. you need 4 more ounces, in total 64.
22. use ounces bc they are the smallest.

your welcome.


1. 1/2

2. 1 7/8 lbs
3. 17 1/2
4. 43
5. 8 2/3
6. 56
7.1 1/4
8. 2 2/7
9. 2
10. 2
11. 3/4
12. 88
13. 2 2/7
14. 25
15. fluid ounces
16. length of a roller skating rink
17. 4
18. 2 8/15
19. 2 ft 7 in
20. 8
21. U do urself
22. U do urself

Here are the correct answers for part one of the unit test!! Make sure to write numbers 21 and 22 in your own words.

1) 5/6

2) 1 7/8 pounds

3) 3 3/4

4) 43

5) 10 lb

6) 30

7) 1 5/16

8) 2 2/7

9) 6 subjects

10) 3

11) 8/9 cups

12) 12

13) 2 3/4

14) 25

15) newborn baby

16) length of your nose

17) 2

18) 30 1/2

19) 30 ft. 10 in.

20) 2 quarts

21) I don't have as much fruit as I need. I need 4 more ounces of fruit.

22) A gold ring would most likely be expressed in ounces.

stop cheating and do it your self little boy

lol guys just do the work

1: C

2: D
3: A
4: B
5: B
6: A
7: A
8: D
I can't help you on part 2