Against the motion should boys help in the kitchen

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On the topic boys should not help in the kitchen.

Boy should not work in the kitchen?

debate on“boys should not help in the kitchen"in against


Boys should help in the kitchen

Reasons why boys must not help in the kitchen.

To argue against the motion that boys should help in the kitchen, there are a few points you can consider:

1. Traditional gender roles: Some might argue that traditionally, household chores have been divided based on gender norms, with women typically managing the kitchen tasks. They may believe that maintaining these roles promotes stability and continuity in society.

2. Different interests and skills: It's possible that some boys simply have different interests or skills that lie outside of cooking and kitchen tasks. They might prefer activities such as sports, arts, or technical fields. Encouraging boys to pursue their unique interests and talents can promote a more diverse and well-rounded society.

3. Time management and priorities: Boys, like anyone else, have limited time and energy. Some might argue that their time could be better spent focusing on activities that are more aligned with their goals, such as academics or extracurricular activities. Developing skills in areas they are passionate about may lead to more success and fulfillment in their future endeavors.

While these arguments can be made against the motion, it's important to note that the role of boys helping in the kitchen is not about forced participation or adhering strictly to societal norms. Encouraging boys to learn basic cooking skills can be beneficial, as it helps develop a sense of independence, self-reliance, and the ability to take care of oneself.