Use the sentences to answer the question.

"A claim is simply a statement of opinion—your point of view regarding a topic. However, a strong claim in an argument should be significant."

Which sentence contains the most significant claim?

(1 point)

Carrots grow in many gardens.

Carrots require no special tending to grow.

Carrots are grown by many gardeners.

Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow.

A. Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow

D. It is an opinion
D. evidence
B. evidence
A. through reasons and argument

A. Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow

D. It is an opinion
D. evidence
B. evidence
A. through reasons and argument

I did it myself here ((for 2021-2022))

I promise :D


1. Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow because they do not need much attention.

2. It is an opinion that is supportable.

3. with evidence

4. with evidence

5. Sea turtles are most important to the health of coral reefs.

YO THANKS @Anonymous.iso

Is he really right


Warning ⚠️: Don’t look at the letters he put they are wrong but the words are right so these are the letters.

1:D- Carrots are the easiest vegetable to grow

2: A- it is an opinion

3: A- Evidence

4: A- Evidence

5: B- Through reasons and argument

Your welcome have a blessed day my peeps ❤️❤️✌🏼🌝

@Anonymous.iso is correct

DX2gg Is correct the letters is just wrong but the words are right 100%!

DX2gg is correct... Good job everyone!!!

Ok so I guess ima just go with his answers I’ll tell you if they are right in a minute

oml u guys are dumb the reason the letters are different for everyone is because THE TEACHER MIXES THE ANSWERS UP JEEZ. also everyone who had the word answers are correct :D

Sussiest is correct

thank you Sussiest ur the best

they arent, your school must've switched the questions around or you just read the letters

Anonymous.iso is correct!!

Thanks so much, your a true legend, I got a 100%!!!
The letters (A D D B A) are incorrect, well for my quick check they are, but the answers themselves are correct!!

you must have read the letters cause they are right

This page ded who is rightttt

i took the test myself and copied the correct answers

@Anonymous.iso thank you. You are correct, all of them are right. :)


Thank you guess maybe guys trust him i promise you will get 100%

Answers for the quick check:

1. C
2. C
3. C
4. D
5. B

Trust me I took the quick check already. %100

@Anonymous.iso #2 and #4 are wrong

1. C

2. C
3. C
4. D
5. B