How did the diffusion of Phoenician culture through trade affect the Mediterranean region?

It gave the region a common religious faith.

It gave the region a common spoken language.

It gave the region a common form of government.

It gave the region a common written alphabet.

pleas help

IM pretty sure D

The correct answer is D. It gave the region a common written alphabet.

The diffusion of Phoenician culture through trade had a significant impact on the Mediterranean region. One of the most notable contributions was the Phoenician alphabet, which spread along with their trade networks. Unlike other ancient writing systems, the Phoenician alphabet consisted of 22 characters representing consonant sounds. This writing system was more accessible and simpler compared to the complex cuneiform or hieroglyphic scripts used by other civilizations.

As Phoenician traders traveled and interacted with various peoples throughout the Mediterranean, they introduced their alphabet to different regions. This had a profound effect, as it allowed different cultures to communicate and record information more efficiently. The Phoenician alphabet became the basis for several other writing systems, including the Greek and Latin alphabets.

Having a common written alphabet provided a foundation for cultural exchange, trade, and the spread of knowledge throughout the Mediterranean region. It facilitated communication, trade agreements, and the sharing of ideas, ultimately helping to foster cultural exchange and unity in the region.