The struggle between opposing forces or characters is called

A. symbolism
B. characterization
C. conflict
D. dialogue

its c


Icheated : ):) :) :)

The correct answer is C. conflict.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze each option:

A. Symbolism: Symbolism refers to the use of symbols to represent deeper meanings or concepts. While symbolism can be present in a story involving opposing forces or characters, it does not directly refer to the struggle itself.

B. Characterization: Characterization is the process of presenting and developing a character in a story. It does not specifically refer to the struggle between opposing forces or characters, but rather focuses on their qualities, traits, and development.

C. Conflict: Conflict represents the struggle or opposition between two or more forces, which may include characters, ideas, or external factors. It is the primary driving force of a story's plot and is essential for creating tension, suspense, and resolution.

D. Dialogue: Dialogue relates to the conversation between two or more characters in a story. While dialogue can be a means to express conflicts or tensions, it does not encompass the entirety of the struggle between opposing forces or characters.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. conflict.