An animation is being created with a thousand tennis balls falling out of a truck, bouncing off the ground and each other. The animator wants to make the scene realistic but also wants to be efficient in the program. Which of these characteristics could be ignored when establishing boundary conditions for the system?

A. Newton’s laws of motion.
B. Aerodynamic properties
C. The diameter of the tennis balls
D. Gravitational forces

The correct answer was B.


The characteristic that could be ignored when establishing boundary conditions for the system is B. Aerodynamic properties.

To determine which characteristics could be ignored when establishing boundary conditions for the animation, we need to understand the impact of each characteristic on the system.

A. Newton's laws of motion: Newton's laws of motion describe the relationship between an object's motion and the forces acting upon it. Ignoring Newton's laws of motion would mean that the tennis balls would not follow realistic trajectories, velocities, or accelerations. This characteristic cannot be ignored if the animator wants to create a realistic animation.

B. Aerodynamic properties: Aerodynamic properties, such as air resistance, would affect the motion of the tennis balls in real-world scenarios. Ignoring aerodynamic properties would result in unrealistic trajectories and velocities. However, since the animation is in a controlled environment (falling within a truck and bouncing off the ground and each other), the impact of air resistance can be considered negligible. Therefore, aerodynamic properties could potentially be ignored.

C. The diameter of the tennis balls: The size of the tennis balls would affect their interactions and collisions with each other and the ground. Ignoring the diameter of the tennis balls would result in unrealistic animations as their size plays a significant role in determining the outcome of interactions. The diameter of the tennis balls cannot be ignored if the animator wants to achieve realism in the animation.

D. Gravitational forces: Gravitational forces play a crucial role in the motion of objects. Ignoring gravitational forces would result in unrealistic animations as the tennis balls would not fall and bounce as expected in a gravitational field. The animator should consider including gravitational forces to create a realistic animation.

Based on the above analysis, the characteristic that could potentially be ignored when establishing boundary conditions for the system is B. Aerodynamic properties. However, characteristics A, C, and D (Newton's laws of motion, the diameter of the tennis balls, and gravitational forces) should be considered to create a more realistic animation.