A tomato plant was 6 inches tall when it was planted in June. When the first tomatoes were ripe, the plant was 44 inches tall. How many inches did the plant grow?

A. z – 6 = 44
z = 50 in.
B. 6 + z = 44
z = 39 in.
C. 6 + z = 44
z = 38 in.
D. z – 6 = 44
z = 49 in.

my answer: C

Oh, tomato plants, they really know how to grow vertically! But let's see if we can figure out how much this particular tomato plant grew. According to the given information, the plant was 6 inches tall when it was planted in June and 44 inches tall when the first tomatoes were ripe.

So, to find out how many inches the plant grew, we can subtract the initial height from the final height.

44 inches - 6 inches = 38 inches

Therefore, the correct answer is option C. The tomato plant grew 38 inches. Good job, green thumb!

To find out how many inches the plant grew, we need to subtract the initial height from the final height.

Final height - Initial height = Growth

In this case, the initial height of the plant is 6 inches and the final height is 44 inches.

44 inches - 6 inches = 38 inches

Therefore, the plant grew 38 inches. Hence, the correct answer is C.

To find out how many inches the plant grew, we need to subtract the initial height of the plant from the final height of the plant.

The initial height of the plant was 6 inches, and the final height was 44 inches. So, we need to calculate the difference between 44 inches and 6 inches.

Final height - Initial height = Growth

44 inches - 6 inches = 38 inches.

Therefore, the plant grew 38 inches.

So, the correct answer is option C: 6 + z = 44 (z = 38 in).

UH- okay- I guess that helps-

looks good